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Shovon Bhattacharjee

Research Associate

Dr. Shovon Bhattacharjee is a Research Associate (research-focused academic staff) in the Biosecurity Program at The Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney. His area of research is developing/utilizing potential functional materials for health safety and personalized healthcare applications. His interdisciplinary research focuses on identifying potential materials, new technologies, and strategies to inform the development of next-generation PPE and medical devices for environmental and occupational health and safety. His research incorporates 2D-, nano-materials, and biomaterials to develop multifunctional smart fabrics for multifunctional applications, including controlling infectious disease outbreaks by bringing a materials-science lens to medicine. He also works on aerosol dynamics, biomaterials, chemical characterization of materials, and filter materials with the BREATHE Centre for Research Excellence investigators (a multidisciplinary team of epidemiology experts, materials scientists, mechanical engineers, and microbiologists).  Shovon has research and working experience in both the university & industry. Before starting his journey at UNSW, he worked in an industry and a renowned government University (Noakhali Science and Technology University) in Bangladesh as an Assistant Professor, the Dept. of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering.