Our Affiliates

We collaborate with world-class academics from all over the world
Hirokazu Yoshikawa
Professor, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development

New York University

Martin Mattsson
Assistant Professor

National University of Singapore

Sebastian Fehrler

University of Bremen

Laura Kwong
Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Sciences

School of Public Health, University of California,Berkeley

Kazuki Motohashi
Assistant Professor

Hitotsubashi University

Raihan Uddin Ahmed
Senior Lecturer

University of West Georgia

A/Prof (Dr) Amit Arora
Associate Professor,School of Health Sciences

Western Sydney University

Mahfuza Islam
PhD Student,Environmental Health Sciences

School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Yeshim Iqbal
Senior Research Scientist, ECDEC Global TIES for Children

New York University

Erica Plambeck
The Charles A. Holloway Professor of Operations, Information & Technology

Stanford University

Md. Mosta Gausul Hoque
Principal Project Management Consultant

World Bank and Project Management Solution Bangladesh

Maulik Jagnani
Assistant Professor

Department of Economics, University of Colorado Denver

Sharnic Djaker
PhD Scholar, Applied Psychology with concentration in Economics

New York University

Tasmim Anwar
Senior Consultant

International Water and Climate Resilience, Ramboll Danmark A/S

Dr. Amrita Kundu
Assistant Professor, Operations & Information Management

McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University

Mohammed Monzur Morshed
Research and Development Scientist


Elizabeth Lyons
Associate Professor

University of California San Diego

Teevrat Garg
Associate Professor of Economics

School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego

Anik Ashraf
Assistant Professor

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Moogdho Mim Mahzab
Postdoctoral Scholar

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Manika Saha
Research Fellow

Centre for Humanitarian Leadership (CHL), Deakin University, Australia

Dr. Md. Nazmul Huda
Researcher And Academic

Western Sydney University and University of New South Wales

Mohammad Mostofa Sarwar
PhD Candidate and Global research coordinator

Swinburne University of Technology; and Fred Hollows Foundation

Shovon Bhattacharjee
Research Associate

The Kirby Institute

Ateeb Ahmad Parray
Global Public Health Researcher and PhD Scholar

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, John Hopkins University