Complying with the COVID-19 safety guidance, ARCED
foundation provided extensive support in collecting data through telephone
surveys. The Computer Assisted Telephonic Interview
(CATI) surveys were 60 minutes long and were conducted with 400 secondary school
teachers in Bangladesh.
The team at ARCED developed
training materials, field protocols and manuals for the enumerators with the close collaboration of Principal Investigators to implement the survey. The enumerators
were trained through webinars.
A SurveyCTO (ODK based) CATI toolkit
for the phone surveys was developed and used by the enumerators. After the data
collection process, Stata based High-Frequency Checks (HFC) were
used to scrutinize data every day and to generate automated data quality
ARCED also ensured automated comparison reports from backcheck and
original surveys using backcheck surveys and a Stata based system.